450 Marsh Ave Reno, Nevada 89509
What is Craniosacral Therapy (CST)?
There is a saying in Cranio circles that says, “Your body carries your life experiences until the load gets too great and then you experience symptoms.”
CranioSacral Therapy is a light-touch therapy that helps you release the load that is creating the symptoms your are experiencing. This can and does create dramatic improvements in your life, health, and wellness. It releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.
How does CST work?
The hands of the Craniosacral therapist are placed over the area of the body that is most related to the source of the problem, and will support the body in making whatever corrections it needs to create ease and release what is there.
The therapist’s hands are trained to feel and monitor changes in the body’s tissues to a very high degree of sensitivity. In the process of monitoring and listening to what is happening in the client’s body, the therapist’s hands follow the change as it occurs.
Therefore, a Craniosacral therapist never decides to move a person’s body in any given direction. The therapist is a responsive, educated, assistant to the body wisdom of the client’s body. This is a key difference between CST and most other therapeutic modalities of body work.
What should I expect from a hands-on CST session?
Craniosacral sessions are often deeply relaxing. This light touch therapy can impact the client throughout their entire body. The client lays on their back, on the treatment table; the client is asked to wear comfortable non-binding clothing as the work is done through the clothing.
Clients often experience a feeling of relaxation deep in their body, as the cerebral spinal fluid is balanced; body unwinds and balance occurs.
How long is a CST session?
Typically, most individual sessions are approximately 60 minutes long. If you would like to experience the combination of a 60 minute CST treatment and a healthy P.A.C.E.TM Method consult, theses last 100 – 120 minutes. Multi-hands sessions last 60 minutes and Evaluation sessions, which are for first time clients, last 90 minutes.
Can it help with…?
Craniosacral Therapy helps with a number of ailments. Most likely it can help you with your particular issue as well. You will know more clearly after experiencing one session. By complementing the body’s process to heal naturally, CST is becoming used as a preventive health technique for its ability to help prevent disease
It is also effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, including: stress and tension related problems; migraine headaches; chronic neck and back pain; motor coordination impairments; colic; Autism; central nervous system disorders; orthopedic problems; traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries; Scoliosis; infantile disorders; learning disabilities; Chronic Fatigue; emotional difficulties; Fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders; Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ); neurovascular or immune disorders; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Post Surgical Dysfuntion.
What is a Multi-Hands CST session?
When more than one therapist is working with you at the same time, the session is considered Multi-hands work. This is a great opportunity to address a complex issue that you have been working with for a long time, or when you want to take care of a problem more quickly.
Where does Amy Work?
Amy works out of her office in Reno, Nevada.
Where can I find a therapist?
. You can find a CST practitioner by selecting CranioSacral modality in “Search by Modality” and your location at http://www.upledger.com/findapractitioner.asp. Look at “Core Classes Taken” section to see the various specialties a practitioner offers.
Some have therapist profiles. It is suggested to call and speak with therapists. Select the one you like and trust your instinct. The Upledger Institute was founded by Dr. John Upledger. He is well-known for his development of CranioSacral therapy.
Schedule a complementary phone consult to see how Amy can help you with your chronic pain.